
Best 6 Herbs to Control high Blood Sugar Levels

Best 6 Herbs to Control high Blood Sugar Levels

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AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which controls metabolism, is what this chemical works on to keep blood sugar levels steady.

Diabetes and prediabetes are both marked by high blood sugar because the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or isn’t sensitive to it.

It’s normal for your blood sugar to rise and fall throughout the day, but having high blood sugar for a long time can hurt organs and cause other health problems.

A fair amount of research on animals shows that berberine may help lower blood sugar levels in a number of ways, such as by

increasing insulin sensitivity
promoting insulin production
regulating metabolism
increasing glycolysis, or the breakdown of glucose
reducing glucose production in the liver
increasing nitric oxide (NO) production, which helps widen arteries
slowing carbohydrate absorption from the gut

Several studies with people who have type 2 diabetes have found that taking 600–2,700 mg of berberine every day may lower their fasting and long-term blood sugar levels by up to 20% and 12%, respectively. This is especially true if they are also taking blood sugar medicine.

Also, an analysis of 14 studies showed that berberine lowered blood sugar levels and worked just as well as popular blood sugar drugs like metformin (Glucophage), rosiglitazone (Avandia), and glipizide (Glucotrol).

Additionally, studies show that berberine may help other diabetes medicines work better at lowering blood sugar when taken with them.

As a result, berberine looks like a potential way to lower blood sugar. This could be very helpful for people with diabetes who can’t take their medicines because they have heart, kidney, or liver problems.

Dosage and recommendations

At this time, there is no set amount of berberine vitamins that should be taken.

Most studies, though, have given 1,000 to 1,500 mg per day.

Berberine doesn’t stay in your body for too long because its half-life is several hours. Most berberine supplements have 500 mg in each capsule, and the labels often say to take the vitamin three times a day before meals (12).

This is the same as taking 1,500 mg every day.

You can buy berberine in health stores or online. It comes in powder or pill form.

But before adding berberine to your daily routine, you should always talk to your doctor First.

Safety and precautions

Berberine seems to be safe and well accepted most of the time.

Berberine can sometimes make your digestive system hurt, like when you have diarrhea, constipation, gas, or stomach pain.

Because it could combine with other drugs, you should talk to your doctor before taking berberine if you are already on any.

Some medicines that lower blood sugar may not work well with berberine, which can make hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) more likely. It might also not work well with medicines that the liver breaks down.


It makes insulin work better and speeds up the absorption of glucose 20 times, which makes it easier to control blood sugar.

What does cinnamon do?

Spice cinnamon comes from the bark of a few different kinds of Cinnamomum trees.

Cinnamon is often associated with breakfast products and rolls, but it has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine and to keep food fresh.

The inner bark of Cinnamomum trees has to be taken off in order to get cinnamon. Following a drying process, the bark curls up into cinnamon sticks, also known as quills. These can be further processed into cinnamon powder.

The United States sells a number of different kinds of cinnamon, which are usually broken down into two groups.

Ceylon: This type of cinnamon costs the most and is also known as “true cinnamon.”
Cassia: This type is less expensive and can be found in most foods that have cinnamon in them.

Both are sold as cinnamon, but they are not the same. We will talk more about the differences between them later in this piece.

It contains antioxidants that provide many health benefits

You might not think of cinnamon as a superfood at first glance if you only look at its nutrition facts.

The usual amount of cinnamon, one teaspoon (tsp), doesn’t have many vitamins or minerals in it. But a lot of recipes need more than 1 tsp, and bigger amounts of cinnamon do have a lot of minerals and vitamins. Also, it has more antioxidants, which are what give cinnamon many of its health benefits.

In fact, a study of 84 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) found that taking 1,500 mg of cinnamon every day for 8 weeks significantly raised the amount of antioxidants in their blood.

There is a type of cell damage called oxidative stress that is caused by free radicals. Antioxidants help the body lower oxidative stress.

One study found that people with type 2 diabetes who took 1 gram (g) of cinnamon extract every day for 12 weeks had lower fasting blood sugar levels and better signs of oxidative stress.

It’s important to know this because reactive stress has been linked to almost all chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes.

It can imitate insulin and increase insulin sensitivity

High blood sugar happens when a person has diabetes because either their pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin or their cells don’t respond properly to insulin.

Cinnamon may help lower blood sugar and fight diabetes by working like insulin and making it easier for sugar to move from the bloodstream into cells.

It can also lower blood sugar by making insulin more sensitive, which means insulin can move sugar into cells more efficiently.

A study with 80 women with PCOS found that taking 1.5 grams of cinnamon powder every day for 12 weeks lowered their fasting insulin levels and made their bodies more sensitive to insulin compared to a control group.

In the same way, another study found that 137 people with high blood sugar who took 250 mg of cinnamon twice a day for two months had better insulin sensitivity.

-It lowers fasting blood sugar and may decrease hemoglobin A1c

Several studies suggest that cinnamon may help improve blood sugar management.

A review of 16 studies found that people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes who took cinnamon had much lower fasting blood sugar levels and insulin resistance than people who took a placebo.

Hemoglobin A1c is a measure of how well your blood sugar is controlled over time. Some studies have also found that it may lower it.

For example, a review of the study said that cinnamon could lower people with type 2 diabetes’ hemoglobin A1c by 0.27% to 0.83% and their fasting blood sugar by up to 52.2 mg/dL.

A different review of 11 studies found that taking cinnamon tablets might slightly lower fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c.

But the doctors also said that more research was needed and that cinnamon shouldn’t be used instead of medicines or changes to diet and lifestyle to control blood sugar levels.

-It lowers blood sugar after meals

Postprandial blood sugar is the amount of sugar in your blood after you eat. When you eat, your blood sugar can rise a lot, based on how big the meal is and how many carbs it has.

These changes in blood sugar can make oxidative stress and inflammation worse, which can hurt your cells and make you more likely to get chronic diseases.

Cinnamon can help keep your blood sugar from rising too much after a meal. According to some studies, it does this by making your stomach empty more slowly.

If you ate 1.2 tsp, or 6 g, of cinnamon with a bowl of rice pudding in 2007, your stomach would take longer to empty and your blood sugar levels would not rise as quickly as if you had just eaten rice pudding.

According to some other research, cinnamon may lower blood sugar after a meal by stopping the stomach enzymes that break down carbs in the small intestine.

-It may lower the risk of common diabetes complications

Besides helping to control blood sugar, cinnamon may also lower the risk of some problems linked to diabetes, such as heart disease and stroke.

One review of 13 studies, for instance, found that cinnamon could lower triglyceride and total cholesterol levels. Both of these are things that put you at risk for heart disease.

A study from 2020 found that taking at least 2 grams of cinnamon every day could drop both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by a large amount over 8 weeks.

Diabetes is also becoming more and more linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. In fact, some people now call Alzheimer’s disease “type 3 diabetes.” Some people disagree with how type 3 diabetes should be categorized, and most doctors don’t agree with it as a clinical diagnosis.

Researchers have found that cinnamon extract may make it harder for two proteins, beta-amyloid and tau, to form plaques and tangles. These are often linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

But so far, this study has only been done in test tubes and on animals. To be sure of these results, more research needs to be done on people.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

This is an antioxidant that keeps you from getting hurt by free radicals. It helps people with type 2 diabetes better take in glucose when insulin is released.

People think that alpha-lipoic acid might help people with diabetes because it has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in both people and animals.

In tests on animals, it dropped blood sugar by as much as 64%.

Other research on people with metabolic syndrome has found that it may lower HbA1c and fasting blood glucose levels but not insulin resistance.

Alpha-lipoic acid is thought to help lower blood sugar by speeding up processes that get rid of fat that has built up in muscle cells, which makes insulin less effective.

Alpha-lipoic acid may also lower the chance of complications from diabetes.

It has been shown to ease the pain of nerve damage and lower the risk of diabetic retinopathy, which is damage to the eyes that can happen when diabetes is not under control.

Alpha-lipoic acid is thought to have this effect because it is a strong antioxidant.

Alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to help control blood sugar, but it’s not thought to be a full cure for diabetes. This is the best way to start if you have diabetes and want to try alpha-lipoic acid. It may affect how your diabetes medicines work.

Bitter Melon

Low blood sugar is a normal effect of it, and it controls the body’s blood sugar level, which in turn controls cholesterol levels.

It is also called Mordica charantia or bitter gourd. The plant gets its name from the way it tastes. This fruit gets bitter as it ripens.

It grows in Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and East Africa, among other places. Bitter melon has been used to treat many health problems over the years.

There are many nutrients in bitter melon that are good for your health. It has been linked to lowering blood sugar, which some studies say could help treat diabetes.

People think of bitter melon as an alternative or additional medicine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve of the use of bitter melon to treat diabetes or any other medical problem.

What the research says about bitter melon and diabetes

Watermelon that is bitter is linked to lowering blood sugar. These things happen because bitter melon has parts that work like insulin. Insulin helps cells get glucose for energy.

You can help your cells use glucose by moving it to your liver, muscles, and fat when you eat bitter fruit. The melon may also help your body keep nutrients by stopping them from being turned into glucose that gets into your bloodstream.

Even though there is proof that it can help control blood sugar, bitter melon is not an approved treatment or medication for diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Bitter melon and diabetes have been looked at in a number of studies. Most people say that you should do more study before using any kind of melon to treat diabetes.

Gymnema Sylvestre extract

It helps keep haemoglobin A1c levels healthy, makes insulin work better in the body, and supports glucose control. It stops you from wanting sugar, stops your body from absorbing glucose, and makes digestion better.

Here are 6 impressive health benefits of Gymnema sylvestre.

1. Reduces Sugar Cravings by Making Sweet Foods Taste Less Appealing

Gymnema sylvestre can make you feel less hungry for sugar.

One of the main chemicals in this plant that does something useful is gymnemic acid, which helps lower sweetness.

When you eat or drink something sweet before it, gymnemic acid stops your taste buds from picking up the sugar.

Gymnema sylvestre extracts have been shown to make it harder to taste sweetness, which makes sweet foods less attractive.

Half of the people in a study who had not eaten were given Gymnema powder. The people who took the supplement were less hungry for sweets at the next meal and more likely to eat less than the people who didn’t take the extract.

2. Helps Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The World Health Organization says that more than 420 million people around the world have diabetes, and that number is likely to go up.

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes blood sugar levels to be too high. The reason for this is that your body can’t make or use insulin properly.

People think that Gymnema sylvestre can help people with diabetes.

People with diabetes have taken it as a supplement with other drugs to lower their blood sugar. Indian Hindi for “destroyer of sugar” is gurmar, which is another name for it.

Gymnema sylvestre can also block receptors in your gut, which stops sugar from being absorbed. This lowers your blood sugar levels after a meal.

There isn’t enough scientific proof that Gymnema can lower blood sugar to suggest it as a diabetes drug on its own. But research shows that there is a lot of promise.

Studies show that eating 200–400 mg of gymnemic acid lowers the amount of glucose absorbed by the gut.

This herb seemed to help people with type 2 diabetes better control their blood sugar by lowering blood sugar levels in one study.

The study found that lowering blood sugar after a meal led to a longer-term drop in average blood sugar levels. This might help lower the long-term problems that come with diabetes.

If you have high blood sugar or a high HbA1c, Gymnema sylvestre can help lower your blood sugar levels before, during, and after a meal. But if you’re on medicine to lower your blood sugar, talk to your doctor first.

3. May Contribute to Favorable Insulin Levels by Increasing Insulin Production

The ability of gymnema to lower blood sugar may also be linked to its role in making insulin and cell repair.

When you have more insulin in your body, sugar leaves your blood more quickly.

Your body may not make enough insulin or your cells may become less sensitive to it over time if you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. This keeps blood sugar levels constantly high.

Gymnema sylvestre may help your pancreas make more insulin, which can help insulin-producing islet cells grow back. This might help bring down your blood sugar.

A lot of common drugs can help make insulin work better and make cells more sensitive to it. But herbal therapies are becoming more popular in drug research.

Metformin, the first drug to treat diabetes, was an interesting plant mixture extracted from Galega officinalis.

4. Improves Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels, Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Triglycerides and “bad” LDL cholesterol may go down if you take gymnema sylvestre.

Gymnema is famous for lowering blood sugar and cutting down on sugar cravings. However, new study suggests that it may also change how fat is absorbed and the levels of lipids in the body.

In one study, Gymnema powder helped rats on a high-fat diet keep their weight off and stopped liver fats from building up. Triglyceride levels were also lower in animals that were fed both the extract and a normal-fat diet.

In a different study, Gymnema powder helped animals that were fed a high-fat diet lose weight. Also, blood fat and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels went down.

As well, a study of people who were mildly overweight found that Gymnema extract lowered triglycerides by 20.2% and bad “LDL” cholesterol by 19%. Plus, it raised levels of “good” HDL cholesterol by 22%.

Heart disease is more likely to happen if you have a lot of “bad” LDL cholesterol and fats.

Because of this, Gymnema sylvestre may help lower the chance of heart problems by lowering LDL and triglyceride levels.

5. May Aid Weight Loss

Gymnema sylvestre products have been shown to help both people and animals lose weight.

Rats that were given a water extract of Gymnema sylvestre lost weight over the course of three weeks. In a different study, rats that were fed a Gymnema substance and a high-fat diet gained less weight.

Also, a study of 60 mildly obese people who took a Gymnema extract found that they lost 5–6% of their body weight and ate less.

By stopping the taste buds’ sweet receptors, Gymnema sylvestre might make you eat less sweet food and less calories.

A steady calorie deficit can help you lose weight.

6. Helps Reduce Inflammation Due to Its Tannin and Saponin Content

A big part of how your body heals is through inflammation.

There are times when inflammation is a good thing, like when it helps protect your body from germs after an accident or infection.

Inflammation can also be caused by the things you eat or the area you live in.

But long-term low-grade inflammation can lead to a number of health problems.

Studies have shown that both people and animals who eat too much sugar have higher levels of inflammatory markers.

Gymnema sylvestre may help reduce inflammation caused by eating too much sugar because it can stop your bowels from absorbing sugar.

Another thing is that Gymnema seems to have its own anti-inflammatory qualities. This might be because it has tannins and saponins in it, which are good plant chemicals.

The leaves of Gymnema sylvestre are immunostimulatory, which means they can help keep the immune system in check and lower inflammation.

Having diabetes means having high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Some people may also have lower amounts of antioxidants, which can make inflammation worse.

Because it reduces inflammation, Gymnema sylvestre can help people with diabetes and high blood sugar in many ways, such as by reducing inflammation.


The amount of Gymnema sylvestre that you should take depends on how you take it.

For tea, boil the leaves for 5 minutes and then let them rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
Powder: Start with 2 grams and go up to 4 grams if you don’t feel any bad affects.
100 mg capsule, three to four times a day.

Gymnema sylvestre can help stop the sugar receptors on your tongue. Take a supplement with water 5 to 10 minutes before a snack or meal that is high in sugar.

Safety Information

Gymnema sylvestre is thought to be safe for most people, but kids and women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant shouldn’t take it.

Also, even though it seems to lower insulin and blood sugar, it’s not a replacement for diabetes medicine. Gymnema should only be taken with other drugs that drop blood sugar if your doctor tells you to.

Possible Side Effects

Even though Gymnema sylvestre has some good affects on blood sugar, taking it with other drugs that lower blood sugar can make your blood sugar drop too low, which is not safe.

This could lead to side effects like headaches, nausea, dizziness, shakiness, and headaches.

Supplements with gymnema sylvestre should not be taken at the same time as insulin shots or other medicines that lower blood sugar. You should talk to your doctor about when it’s best to take this vitamin (21).

Also, you shouldn’t take the vitamin with aspirin or St. John’s Wort, because that could make Gymnema’s effects on lowering blood sugar even stronger.

Lastly, people who are allergic to milkweed may also have bad affects.


Biotin is a water-soluble B complex vitamin and is part of the vitamin B-7 family. Biotin helps the body break down fatty acids and make glucose. Researchers have found some good evidence that biotin can help people with diabetes. Before taking biotin to treat diabetes, you should talk to your doctor.

Glucose Regulation

A study in 2004 in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found that people with Type 2 diabetes tend to have lower levels of biotin. The people who took part in the study took 6 micromoles per deciliter of biotin every day for 28 days. Both people with and without diabetes had higher levels of activity in several enzymes that control blood sugar. But adding biotin didn’t make a big difference in either group’s glucose, insulin, triglycerides, or cholesterol levels.



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