The 15 Best Herbs to Boost your Brain and Memory
Having better memory and more energy is something we all want or should want, at any age. Why?…
As with any goal you have, the better your memory, and the more energy you have, the faster and more easily you’ll achieve your goals.
Whether it’s to make more money, or you’re in school, or you play sports, or in relationships and of course, the older we get the more important memory and energy becomes.
People who succeed in life more than others, almost always are more energetic, driven, and passionate.
No energy and poor brain function = Little success!
At the very least, it’s a lot harder, that’s for sure.
- Suffer from heavy brain fog.
- Can’t think like you used to.
- Get “stuck” in your own head.
- Have difficulty with your memory.
- Have a mentally challenging job.
- Experience a lot of mental stress.
- Lose mental stamina by mid-day.
- Have trouble staying focused and on task.
- Feel mentally drained at the end of the day
- Need to work long, productive hours.
- Feel mentally exhausted.
- Have a “fuzzy” mind in the morning.
- Keep “spacing-out” during the day.
- Want to feel on top of your game.
- Wish to have a mental edge.
- Want to feel confident in your mental abilities.
- Need to be more productive when it matters most.
- Constantly have to learn new things at work.
Let’s keep things simple with this memory diet.
It’s something I’ve done a lot of research about since I have a family history of memory loss. And in all honesty, my memory has never been very good. My mom is the same way.
Yet, my dad has an awesome memory. But HIS mother had memory problems.
So, it’s a 50/50 problem for me.
The diet break down is about
- 35% Fat
- 30% Protein
- 35% Carbohydrates
So, it’s more of an isocaloric diet, almost the same amount of calories from each of the 3 macronutrients.
Now we need to fill in the categories with the best foods.
You want to mostly eat:
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Macadamia nut oil
- Avocado
- Flaxseed oil
- Fish oil
- Small amounts of MCT Oil in the form of C8, Caprylic Acid
I would recommend you eat the whole foods, over the oils. There are more nutrients and it digests and absorbs better.
For example, Olives over Olive oil.
You must stay away from trans and hydrogenated fats and most seed and vegetable oils that are high in omega 6 fats.
These are the cheap supermarket oils such as soybean, corn, sunflower, and so forth. These are typically found in packaged foods.
You want to eat more fish but stay away from those high in mercury such as tuna. So I suggest wild-caught salmon.
Pasture-raised chicken and turkey.
Small amounts of grass-fed bison
And more vegetable protein sources such as non-GMO rice and hemp protein.
Finally our favorite tasting foods.
You want to eat lots of vegetables – especially spinach, seaweed, and brussels sprouts.
Eat fruits, especially berries.
Get colorful with your fruits and vegetables
Legumes are great, especially lentils. Pressure cook them or soak them for a day to remove inflammatory lectins.
Yams are fantastic and small amounts of white rice and not brown.
And if you’re going to ask “why not brown”, I’ve already done an article about this topic, so read about it here.
Ezekiel bread is also good.
You want lower glycemic foods because high blood sugar is linked to memory issues.
Finally, we have supplements.
Personally, I think most supplements are worthless because they are poorly formulated with the wrong ingredients, wrong doses, and wrong combinations.
However, there are specific supplements — herbs and amino acids that are clinically proven to help improve memory, blood flow to the brain, more oxygen to your cells, and
increase energy throughout your entire body.
Some of the best ones are:
Things that improve mitochondria – such as CoQ10, PQQ and Acetyl L Carnitine
Increase oxygen and brain circulation – such as Ginkgo, Green Tea Extract and Vinpocetine
ATP for more cellular energy – Rhodiola Extract and NADH
Different forms of Choline, which are essential for the brain, are found in whole eggs.
Nootropics such as Bacopa extract.
Increase Dopamine, which helps with memory, mood, Parkinson’s and other brain issues – the best is green oat extract, Velvet Bean, and L-Theanine.
Finally, ingredients that reduce stress hormones such as cortisol – this would be Phosphatidylserine, Ashwagandha, and Tyrosine.
Now, I know I just listed a bunch of ingredients.
However, I’ve put a link below for more details about each of these ingredients and how they work.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to take each of these individually.
I used to do so and it’s inconvenient and very expensive.
However, there’s a fantastic product called Body-Brain Energy that contains all of these ingredients and a few others.
It’s what I personally take and have done so for almost 20 years.
It comes with a one-year guarantee, so you have nothing to worry about or risk.