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A list of 15 foods that can make you sleep.
Many people find it difficult to sleep at night. This is usually caused by a lack of the right nutrients in the body.
Stress and anxiety may also cause you to stay up at night, and you may find it hard to “switch the brain off” due to repeating thoughts.
A lack of sleep long term can cause physical and mental health problems down the line.
The good news is that there are certain foods and drinks that you can consume which will help you to sleep at night, and also ease stress and cortisol levels in the body.
Let’s take a look at some sleep aid foods.
1. Celery – Contains compounds which lowers blood pressure and calms the central nervous system ( the same effect as Melatonin).
2. Almonds – Loaded with magnesium, an important mineral for regulating the heart beat and calming the muscles.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar – Balances Ph. Levels in the blood which may be off balance from too much sugar.
4. Mineral Water – Contains important electrolytes which regulate the body and calm the nervous system ( the same effect as Melatonin).
5. Chamomile Tea – Apigenin, a flavonoid within this tea has a mild tranquilizing effect when drank at night.
6. Kale – Provides a huge amount of potassium and minerals to regulate the heart rate, and reduce a pounding heart at night.
7. Cheese – Excellent Source of calcium, an important electrolyte to relax muscles.
8. Banana Tea – Boil bananas to create a water rich in tryptophan which converts to the sleep hormone .
9. Green Peppers – A rich source of Vitamin C which oxygenates the blood, tissues and regulates adrenal glands)
10. Passionflower Tea – A Powerful natural remedy for reducing stress levels helping to you relax.
11. Avocados – Rich source of healthy fats which helps to control blood sugars to ease the body.
12. Boiled Eggs – Rich in protein, a fuel source which stabilizes blood sugar and aids sleep.
13. Kiwi – Aids digestion in breaking down food, making you less bloated and more comfortable.
14. Cherry Juice – Powerful for overall body health, improves sleep quality due to antioxidants within.
15. Salmon – Contains healthy sources of omega 3 which regulates melatonin.
As you can see, there are many delicious yet healthy foods which you can take to help you sleep.
Simply introducing a mixture of these foods into your diet on a daily basis will soon change your sleeping habits.
my Recommendation As A Supplement is  melatonin supplement

Melatonin is a key sleep hormone that tells your brain when it’s time to relax and head to bed
Melatonin supplements are an extremely popular sleep aid.
Often used to treat insomnia, melatonin may be one of the easiest ways to fall asleep faster
In one study, taking 2 mg of melatonin before bed improved sleep quality and energy the next day and helped people fall asleep faster.
In another study, half of the group fell asleep faster and had a 15% improvement in sleep quality
Additionally, no withdrawal effects were reported in either of the above studies.
Melatonin is also useful when traveling and adjusting to a new time zone, as it helps your body’s circadian rhythm return to normal
In some countries, you need a prescription for melatonin. In others, melatonin is widely available in stores or online. Take around 1–5 mg 30–60 minutes before bed.
Start with a low dose to assess your tolerance and then increase it slowly as needed.
you can Shop for melatonin supplement online.

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