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Category: Healthy Heart

Blood Flow Optimizer – This Supplement đź’Š Can Really Improve Blood Flow Circulation

    Luckily, there’s a product called Blood Flow Optimizer that already contains all of these herbal extracts, at the correct dosages and maximum effective extract percentages. Plus, Blood Flow Optimizer also contains other ingredients such as: Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin K2-7 (MK7) Magnesium And 3 different forms of L Carnitine It’s all in ONE, convenient pill that my family and I have…
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10 Proven Herbs 🌿 to Improve Blood Flow Circulation

Today I’m going to list what I think are the 10 best, clinically proven herbs for supporting healthy blood flow circulation to your brain, organs, muscles, and “extremities” such as hands, feet, and penis for guys. Just remember that the older we get, the worst the circulation. And poor blood flow means fewer youthful hormones, oxygen, enzymes, and nutrients being delivered…
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4 Mistakes in your Food that causes your High Bad Cholesterol

  What is cholesterol, and is it unhealthy? Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your body makes and that you can find in meat, eggs, and cheese. It’s important for making hormones, absorbing vitamin D, and making bile, which breaks down fats. Your liver makes cholesterol, but you can also get it from things that…
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13 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods to Add to Your Diet

Some foods, including legumes and nuts, may help lower your cholesterol. Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death. Having high cholesterol levels — especially “bad” LDL — is linked to an increased risk of heart disease Low “good” HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides are also linked to increased risk Your diet has a…
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15 Foods That May Help Prevent Clogged Arteries

What can cause arteries to get blocked Atherosclerosis is thought to be a major cause of heart disease, especially coronary artery disease, which is the most common type of heart disease in the US. Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of about 50% of deaths in Western countries . It’s a chronic inflammatory disease with numerous…
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6 Best Foods For Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

6 Best Foods For Healthy Blood Pressure Levels     Today I’m going to give you 6 specific foods and herbs that are clinically researched to promote healthy blood pressure levels. No drugs. No side-effects. As you may or may not know, having healthy blood pressure levels is super important for your health, fitness, and longevity. This is because high blood…
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9 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels Naturally – Number 9 Will Surprise You

  By Dr. M. Kotb   Cholesterol is made in your liver and has many important functions. For example, it helps keep the walls of your cells flexible and is needed to make several hormones. However, like anything in the body, too much cholesterol or cholesterol in the wrong places creates problems. Like fat, cholesterol…
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Best 6 Herbs to Control high Blood Sugar Levels

Berberine  AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which controls metabolism, is what this chemical works on to keep blood sugar levels steady. Diabetes and prediabetes are both marked by high blood sugar because the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or isn’t sensitive to it. It’s normal for your blood sugar to rise and fall throughout the…
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Blood Pressure Optimizer – This Supplement 💊 Can Really Control your High Blood Pressure

    What Exactly Is Blood Pressure Optimizer? The Blood Pressure Optimizer is a scientifically proven tool that has been trusted by users for almost 20 years. It will help lower your blood pressure. The supplement in this case will help you get your blood pressure in a safe range. Based on a lot of…
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Blood Pressure Support (From Vitapost ) – This Supplement đź’Š Can Really Control your High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and cholesterol is one of the main issues that the older generation suffers from. With the help of Blood Pressure Support supplement, a person can control the BP irrespective of their age group and avoid facing any dangerous unhealthy problems.   One of the main problems that older people have is high…
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Hypercet Cholesterol Formula – This Supplement đź’Š Can Really Lower your High Cholesterol

This is a natural product called Hypercet Cholesterol Formula that helps keep your cholesterol levels and heart healthy. It makes sure that the body has good cholesterol levels and gets rid of harmful free radicals in the right way.It doesn’t pose any risks to the body and doesn’t have any bad effects on it. It…
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Omega 3 Benefits , Rich Foods & Omega-3’s Taken at this Time of the Day Reduces Heart Attacks & Stroke

Why omega-3 fatty acids are good for you It’s very important to get enough omega-3 fatty acids. They are great for your brain and body in many important ways. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are one of the nutrients that have been studied the most. Scientists have found that omega-3 fatty acids are good for…
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Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

In the bottom part of the pyramid, there is a focus on exercise and making friends. First, there are whole grains, then fruits and veggies, beans, herbs, spices, nuts, and healthy fats like olive oil. These are the foods you’ll buy and eat every day. People eat fish and seafood at least twice a week,…
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Top 5 Herbs 🌿 and Nutrients for Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart disease, or coronary artery disease (CAD), is the number one killer in the United States. Some herbs and supplements can help lower your chance of heart disease and treat heart conditions you already have. Diet and lifestyle also play a big role in preventing and reversing heart disease. Atherosclerosis…
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The DASH Diet Protocol for Lowering High Blood Pressure

  What exactly is high blood pressure, and how do the foods you eat affect it? High blood pressure happens when your heart pumps more blood through your arteries than it should. This extra blood pushes against the walls of your arteries, which can lead to many problems over time. Your heart pumps blood out…
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Everything You Need to Know About Myocardial Fibrosis

  The disorder known as myocardial fibrosis results in the accumulation of scar tissue in your heart. Although it can happen at other times as well, it usually happens after a heart attack. The scarring of your heart muscle is known as myocardial fibrosis, also known as fibrosis of the myocardium. Myocardial fibrosis can be…
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