
The 7 Worst Foods for Your Brain – Number 7 will Surprise You

The 7 Worst Foods for Your Brain – Number 7 will Surprise You

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It’s possible that your brain is the most important part of your body. Yes, there are a few more that you can’t live without, but they are all controlled by the brain. Not only does it keep your heart moving and lungs breathing, but it also stores everything that makes you unique. The brain is where all of your ideas, feelings, and memories come from or live.
It goes without saying that this is the most important part to keep happy and healthy. The right food can make the difference between having a clear head and a sense of purpose and having a foggy head and a sense of desperation. As a constant habit, eating well also slows down the mental decline that comes with getting older and lowers the risk of getting dementia.On the other hand, some things are really bad for your brain. Too much of something will probably make you confused, sad, and slow down your reactions. Unfortunately, a brain that is sad can’t make the right choices to get better, which keeps the depression going.

You should start cutting back on bad habits if you know you have them. Your brain won’t like a big change in your food all at once, and it will be hard to stick to your new plan, even though you know it’s the right thing to do. You should instead slowly cut out the seven things below from your food. This will protect your brain’s health in the long run. Most likely, #7 is the easiest to give up.


1. Trans Fats


There are some fats that are good for you. There is, however, one type of fat called trans fat that is bad for the brain. Certain animal goods, like meat and dairy, naturally contain trans fats. However, the trans fats that are added to packaged foods by factories are much more of a problem.

People who eat a lot of trans fat, which is also called hydrogenated oil, are more likely to get Alzheimer’s and dementia. Trans fat can be found in margarine, store-bought baked goods, chips and crackers, frozen and canned meals, and creamy drinks. Researchers have found that eating a lot of trans fats can also speed up cognitive loss, make the brain smaller, and make it harder to remember things.


2. Sugary Drinks


Soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and even fruit juice are all high in sugar and don’t do your body any good. A lot of physical problems can happen if you drink sugary drinks often, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and yes, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

It has been shown that drinking a lot of fructose, a very powerful sweetener found in many sugary drinks, can make it harder to learn, remember things, and make new neurons in the brain. This could also cause the brain to become more inflamed, which is bad for all brain functions.


3. Refined Carbs


Refined carbohydrates are made from grains that have been treated. For some reason, they might not taste sweet, but your body quickly turns them into sugar. That’s because the milling process takes away all of the grain’s fiber and nutrients. A high glycemic load meal is one that makes your blood sugar go up quickly.

Inflammation, memory loss, and a higher chance of getting dementia are all effects that are the same as if you had eaten sugar alone. Studies have shown that kids whose diets are high in refined carbohydrates do worse on tests of their nonverbal ability. And older people who get more than 58% of their daily calories from refined carbs are twice as likely to get dementia or mental illness as older people who eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.


4. Processed and Packaged Foods


Processed and packed foods take away some of the health benefits of whole foods and add sugar, fat, and salt instead. This is what we call the “Western diet,” which values quick and easy foods over home-cooked meals that take a long time to cook. We understand that life gets busy, and there are times when you can’t make your own pasta, sauces, or baked goods.

There is, however, a need to cook with whole, healthy foods as often as possible, since the Western diet is known for making fat build up around the vital organs. In turn, this leads to damage to brain cells and a smaller brain. In addition, it could mess up the blood-brain barrier, which is the membrane that keeps harmful chemicals out of the brain.


5. Alcohol


Given how often people act foolishly when they’re drunk, it shouldn’t be a surprise that alcohol can hurt the brain. It’s unlikely that getting drunk once in a while will hurt you permanently, but alcoholism and heavy drinking can.

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can make your brain smaller and mess up the chemicals it uses to talk to other parts of your body. It is also common for alcoholics to not get enough vitamin B1, which can cause Korsakoff’s syndrome. That disease causes serious brain damage that makes people forget things, become confused, lose their balance, and sometimes lose their sight.


6. Fish High in Mercury


There’s no doubt that eating fish is good for you. It doesn’t have a lot of saturated fat and has good things for you like vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and calcium. The heavy metal mercury is a neurotoxin and heavy metal pollutant, but some fish have a lot of it. Human and other animal cells can store mercury for a long time.

The most mercury is usually found in the meat of fish that live longer and eat other fish. Those fish have lower mercury levels because they eat other fish while they are still alive. These fish can build up mercury levels that are a million times higher than the amount in the water they swim in over the course of their lives. To keep your brain’s chemicals from getting messed up, you should stay away from or severely limit eating tuna, swordfish, orange roughy, king mackerel, shark, and tilefish.



This is the seventh mistake:


You forgot to mention the “brain-enhancing” smart pills that are popular in Silicon Valley:

Studies have shown that it increases your energy levels by a huge 89.2%, makes your mind sharper, and increases your brain power. The question is not whether the pill works or not, but whether it should be legal, since there is so much proof and media coverage of it.




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Undoubtedly a game changer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have never really written a review for something I bought.

I've been taking antidepressants for a while now, and while they made me feel better mentally, they also made it impossible for me to have sex. A tough trade off.

Since I'm 35, doctors think my sexual problems are more mental than physical.

I recently felt so desperate that i corrected the mistakes in my diet as you instructed and I bought the pill you suggested online, even though I knew it couldn't work.

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Sorry if that sounds rude, but I have no idea if the reviews on your site are real or not.

You just don't know these days. I did want to send you an email from a REAL person, though, because it got REAL results.

I've used your recommended diet and Supplement for three weeks.

The first week I took two pills every day, the second week I took four, and this week I'm taking five.

I'm almost done with my first bottle.

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I need to lose more than 4–5 pounds to go down two dress sizes.

Besides that, my breasts are still the same cup size?!

They will probably get smaller as I lose more weight, but they've never been this full while I've been dieting. It's awful that my breasts lose weight first most of the time.

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no more NSAIS and GI is great first time in a decade

My back hurt in an accident about three years ago. Because of this, I had to take NSAIDs every day, but they didn't help much. At first, yes, but after a while, not so much.

I chose to try this Supplement you recommended because it had a very strong form of curcumin in it along with many other things.

I wasn't sure at first that a pill with so many ingredients could work. I was wrong, and I'm so glad I gave it a try.

I have turned off all NSAIdS. I don't have much pain. As a really nice bonus, all of my stomach pain and GI problems have gone away.

 My GI has been giving me trouble for almost ten years. My doctor is also shocked. He said that the anti-inflammatory ingredients in your recommended diet and supplement have really helped to calm down his GI tract and lower the swelling.

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It worked better than a year ago. It helped with the stomach problems I had during allergy season, which was a pleasant surprise.

The change surprised my GI doctor, who has been taking care of me for almost ten years.



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