Herbs 🌿 to Fix Premature Ejaculation

What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a sexual dysfunction in men where they consistently ejaculate earlier than desired during sexual intercourse, often within one minute of penetration. It is a common sexual problem and can cause significant distress and anxiety for the individual and their partner.
Premature Ejaculation Causes
Here are some of the most common causes of premature ejaculation:
1. Psychological Factors
Premature ejaculation can be caused by a variety of psychological factors. Anxiety, stress, and depression can all contribute to PE by causing a person to become overly focused on their performance or by impairing their ability to relax during sex. Relationship issues, such as communication breakdowns or unresolved conflicts, can also contribute to stress, anxiety and thus to PE.
2. Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can impair sexual function and exacerbate PE. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and low testosterone levels can impair sexual function and contribute to PE. Thyroid hormones and cortisol, which are involved in the body’s stress response, can impact sexual function.
3. Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions affecting the nerves, blood vessels, or hormones in sexual function can contribute to PE. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis can all cause nerve damage and impair sexual function. Prostate gland inflammation or infection can cause pain and discomfort during ejaculation and contribute to PE.
4. Prostate Problems
Prostate problems, such as inflammation or infection of the prostate gland, can cause pain and discomfort during ejaculation and contribute to PE.
5. Genetics
Some research suggests that there may be a genetic predisposition to PE, meaning that some individuals may be more likely to develop this condition due to their genes.
6. Performance Anxiety
PE is frequently caused by performance anxiety, especially in younger men. Fear of being unable to satisfy a partner, failure, or intimacy can contribute to PE by causing the individual to become overly focused on their performance.
7. Substance Abuse
Alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse can all affect sexual function and contribute to PE. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect the nerves and blood vessels involved in sexual function, while smoking can affect blood flow to the penis and contribute to erectile dysfunction.
8. Certain Medications
Some medications used to treat depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure can cause PE as a side effect. It is important to talk to a healthcare provider if you are experiencing PE and are taking any medications.
Herbs to Fix Premature Ejaculation
Tribulus Terrestris: Natural Help for Men With Erection Issues
Tribulus Terrestris is a traditional Chinese herb people have long used as an aphrodisiac. Studies reveal that Tribulus Terrestris relaxes the corpora cavernosum and shows “significant” increases in intracavernous pressure, offering natural help to men with erection difficulties.
(Source: Korean J Urol. 2013 March; 54(3): 183–188.)
Withania Somnifera: Increases Blood Flow to the Penis
A 2003 Italian study found that Withania Somnifera increased nitric oxide, which helps relax the corpora cavernosum, increasing blood flow to the penis for a larger erection.
(Source: Life Sci. 2003 Feb 21;72(14):1617-25.)
Asparagus Adscendens: Helps Reduce Stress and Inflammation
With evidence pointing to an inhibitory effect on proinflammatory cytokines, Asparagus Adscendens may provide natural relief for stress and inflammatory conditions.
(Source: Phytother. Res. 2010 Oct;24(10):1562-6. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3218.)
Mucuna Pruriens: For Feelings of Pleasure
This tropical legume contains L-DOPA, a precursor to the neurotransmitter L-dopamine. Mucuna Pruriens has also been shown in laboratory studies to increase erection frequency and sexual activity.
(Source: J. Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Apr 21;122(3):497-501. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.01.032. Epub 2009 Jan 31.)
Asteracantha Longifolia: Enhanced Attraction to Sexual Partners
Studies show that Asteracantha Longifolia increases the attraction to female sexual partners. As well, it’s noted to significantly increase sperm. In the ProSolution Plus formula clinical study, it helped men have more frequent and powerful orgasms as well as better control over ejaculations.
(Source: Nat. Prod Res. 2011 Sep;25(15):1423-31. doi: 10.1080/14786410802588493. Epub 2011 Jul 8.)
Curculigo Orchioides: For Greater Sexual Frequency and Reduced Hesitation
The rhizomes of Curculigo Orchioides are linked to increased sexual frequency, mating performance and greater erection quality. Curculigo Orchioides are also known to reduce the hesitation to engage in sexual activity.
(Source: Filoterapia. 2007 Dec;78(7-8):530-4. Epub 2007 Jul 3.)
Asphaltum: More Than 85 Vitamins and Minerals
Also called shilajit, Asphaltum is a mineral wax with medicinal properties highly prized in Ayurveda as a natural remedy for sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It’s rich in antioxidants and believed to stimulate the release of cytokines by activated immunologic cells.
(Source: Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 62, No. 7, pp. 1285-1288, 1990.)